3d printing

Thursday 1 December 2011 0 comments

Three-dimensional printing makes it as cheap to create single items as it is to produce thousands and thus undermines economies of scale. It may have as profound an impact on the world as the coming of the factory did....Just as nobody could have predicted the impact of the steam engine in 1750—or the printing press in 1450, or the transistor in 1950—it is impossible to foresee the long-term impact of 3D printing. But the technology is coming, and it is likely to disrupt every field it touches.
The Economist, in a February 10, 2011 leader

Hi friends ! I am arun and I am going to explain all about the fast growing technology which going to make our life in to very comfortable thing.This is going to happen with new 3d printers. So what is 3d printer?

The answer is simple. Printer which has ability to print the 3d model in a plastic/solid form where u can touch , feel the model in real time within a short period of duration
Me and my friends are here to work out the technology for the Indian Market.
Please share us your knowledge and it will help us to create a better technology in future.


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